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Technology is changing how we live, how we operate businesses, how we deliver value for the company. Change is the only constant but in order to benefit, flexibility and agility are critical. As organizations embark on their digital transformations and focus on delivering more value to their customers and stakeholders, a DevOps approach becomes crucial, and it is central to a new operating model. 

What is DevOps?

Agile techniques and Lean approaches have become more entrenched over time.  Development and operations began to collaborate more as the Agile and Lean methodologies progressed. After that, “Dev” and “Ops” began to merge into a single process. Is not a function or a set of tools but instead a way to deliver value, requiring support from management and champions on the ground.

In a nutshell, DevOps is when developers and operations managers collaborate throughout the lifecycle of a product. They will be able to provide the greatest service possible as each side considers the demands of the other. Adopting new governance practices, including DevSecOps pipelines is a necessary change to deliver business value at today’s speed.

The Need for DevOps

The increasing adoption of DevOps by most organizations across the globe indicates its potential as a critical enabler to achieving scale. Implementation of DevOps practices helps an organization deliver faster, better, higher-quality, and more reliable software. Successful DevOps relies on a culture of cooperation and collaboration among all functions of the organization. Here are the top reasons why companies need DevOps:

  • It Helps You Respond Faster to Business Needs:
    Data projects are often inspired by pressing business concerns. We are looking for quick answers, immediate optimizations, and often very concrete subjects: a marketing campaign, fine segmentation, or the cause of a project failure.
    Thanks to the implementation of a DevOps approach in business, software is released in smaller batches and on shorter deadlines. It gives you the flexibility to respond to business needs as they arise. This makes it possible to reduce the initial time-to-market and carry out more iterations to refine a product.
  • It Introduces a Data-Driven Culture to Your Enterprise:
    DevOps is neither a repository of good practices nor a methodology set in stone. Rather, it is more a principle of efficiency in which you closely associate development and operations within projects. This accelerates the production of the project. DevOps allows you to break down silos, work with agility, collaborate, develop and challenge ideas, and diversify expertise.
    Moreover, the DevOps culture is necessary for companies that want to rely more on their data. For example, within an organization, DevOps is necessary to deliver production-ready data. DevOps teams often create environments to support data exploration and visualization.

Other primary reasons why companies need DevOps are:

  • It improves team communication and cooperation.
    When you use DevOps principles to build a product, teams can experiment and innovate quickly. This increases their level of trust and enables them to become even more flexible.
  • It increases efficiency.
    Increased use of IT automation is imperative, and DevOps lets you automate processes easily. Automating routine tasks releases team members to do more valuable work. Automation also reduces the likelihood of human error.
  • It creates shorter development cycles and faster innovation.
    With a joint development and operations team, applications are built faster. They’re also ready to be used by the customer sooner.
DevOps Adoption

How should organizations transition to become an agile, flexible company implementing automation best practices, continuous improvement-based governance, with empowered, innovative teams? There are three key components to moving to a DevOps approach as well as improving existing practices: Assessment, Roadmap, and Execution.

It is essential to understand the starting point. The role of DevOps is to deliver execution, measurement, and improvement; initiating the journey without information can lead to an overestimation of needs in some areas while critical improvements are missed in others.
Once an assessment of the start point is determined, it’s time to answer the critical question – what are the important objectives for the DevOps transformation? What are the business outcomes that will be used as metrics? Key consideration – avoid vanity metrics related to quantity or number of stories delivered and instead focus on measuring capabilities related to lead time for changes, change rate failure or other similar measures.

Additional considerations include communicating strategy company-wide. Are there other transformation initiatives such as automation that need to be integrated to avoid duplication? Often a transformation business office can help ensure all initiatives are aligned.
View Road Map
How will the organization grow to deliver agility, speed, and enhanced customer experience? How will it drive a move to cloud-native applications and solutions, utilizing cloud native best practices? What are the steps needed to make progress on the journey? Creating a specific backlog that aligns to DevOps transformation combines execution with metrics.

Innovative Logics, with over a decade of proven excellence in IT, has a team of experts who can provide you with an effective DevOps implementation roadmap. Our team has been following DevOps’ best practices:

  • Agile software development
  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous delivery pipelines
  • Automated and continuous testing
  • Proactive monitoring
  • Improved communication and collaboration

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DevOps Implementation Roadmap

Once you have considered all the factors and decided to implement DevOps within your company, you need a step-by-step plan to smoothly shift from traditional software development to the DevOps approach. Here, we outline the key steps.

Innovative Logics