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With new industry standards and regulatory requirements impacting all industries, cybersecurity compliance becomes a driving force underlying business success
// Cyber Security


What does Cybersecurity Compliance mean?

Cybersecurity Compliance involves meeting various controls (usually enacted by a regulatory authority, law, or industry group) to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

There are cases when something that is vulnerable is not really exploitable. The reasons could be:

  1. Insufficient public information for exploitation by attackers.
  2. Prior authentication or local system access that the attacker may not have
  3. Existing security controls

Strong security practices can prevent many vulnerabilities from becoming exploitable.

Why is cybersecurity compliance important?

IT Security compliance aims to help businesses avoid fines and penalties, while also keeping consumer information protected. This is generally achieved by creating systems that protect the privacy of customer data and block costly data breaches.

Companies are becoming dependent on technology, making them susceptible to cybercrimes, such as email fraud, ransomware attacks, phishing scams, malware, and website spoofing. Due to the high number of security threats that businesses regularly face, it is critical to meet all IT security compliance standards and controls.

Cyber Security Remediation Processes

This process of identifying and fixing problems is called cybersecurity remediation. It’s a structured approach that your organization should create and use to intercept IT security threats before they do harm, as well as to resolve any issues that may have already occurred. Basic steps you can take to help identify and resolve threats:

  • Perform a Baseline Risk Assessment: The process begins with an audit of your current IT environment. You need to know where you’re most vulnerable to set up a proper defense. This begins with a full review of your system assets, processes, and operations as part of your baseline risk assessment.
  • Establish a Monitoring Process: Involves setting up a system of continuous monitoring that alerts you to potential issues. This is particularly important for businesses with broad numbers of unsecured laptops, smartphones, or other internet-enabled devices. The more unmonitored endpoints you have, the more likely you’ll experience data breaches – particularly when security isn’t an organizational priority.
  • Apply Solutions to Identified Vulnerabilities: This step involves charting known vulnerabilities, assigning levels of risk to each issue, estimating the effort required to resolve, and coming up with a plan for addressing the issue that aligns with your IT system configurations.
  • Train Employees in Security Remediation Best Practices: Make sure your employees are given security awareness training as a part of your cyber security plans. A company’s employees are often one of the weakest points in the security chain – something that threat actors understand well.
  • Rinse and Repeat as Needed: In the final step, repeat the above process regularly to guarantee ongoing security and to achieve the best vulnerability remediation.

In the modern mode of work, legacy data security and compliance solutions are no longer an option. The digital world is evolving rapidly, and modern businesses must keep up or risk the consequences. Staying in compliance with critical IT security standards and regulations is essential for protecting businesses and their customers.

Stay Ahead of Potential Threats with Security Services

If you need help getting started, use a security remediation plan template to kick things off. If you want to develop a more personalized vulnerability assessment, it pays to work with a qualified cyber security partner, like Innovative Logics, that can apply their industry expertise to your system.

Innovative Logics